Arthur Chapman - Songs of Hope Performance

July 8, 2019

Arthur Chapman proudly supports Sounds of Hope, Ltd., a program providing wonderful opportunities for music and friendship for kids around the world.  Arthur Chapman has teamed up with Sounds of Hope to sponsor a concert in Lake City on July 16th
Songs of Hope™ is a six-week, overnight performing arts summer camp in Saint Paul, MN, USA for kids aged 10 and older who come to Minnesota each summer from around the world. More than just a performing arts camp, Songs of Hope™ offers participants a unique opportunity to live in community with kids from other countries and cultures while learning and performing music from many countries.
Quote from Program Director, Tom Surprenant:  “This summer, we’re featuring a couple of songs about refugees and immigrants because suddenly it’s become a hot issue, and for us, it’s a close to home issue. Over the years, we’ve had dozens of local kids in Songs of Hope from refugee or new-immigrant families. Somali Kids. Hmong youth from Laos. Kids from Vietnam. Karen refugees from Burma. Russian and Ukrainian Jews. There’s a long list of young people whom we’ve watched grow into hardworking, talented contributors to our communities.”