Arthur Chapman’s Railroad attorneys are skilled litigators, tough advocates, and recognized trial lawyers. Clients turn to Arthur Chapman’s Railroad team for a high standard of client-centered legal services, and focus on delivering the best results possible. Our clients include Class 1 railroads, short-line railroads and light rail transit companies. Arthur Chapman attorneys have defended and tried railroad cases across the nation and offer particular knowledge and licensure in the Midwest, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
Arthur Chapman’s Railroad attorneys understand their clients’ legal needs within the transportation industry. Our significant experience includes advocating for our transportation clients in FELA cases and grade crossing accidents. Litigation services include advocacy for clients in a broad spectrum of matters, ranging from simple to complex, including traumatic injuries, catastrophic events, occupational and chemical exposure, death, property damage, and contractual disputes.
The successes delivered for clients mean we have earned reputations as accomplished trial attorneys equipped with the experience, skills, and technology to effectively strategize and vigorously confront the challenges of a fast-paced litigation practice. In each case, we work with clients to take a pro-active approach early on, and carry that momentum through to trial. That pro-active approach, combined with a commitment to the firm’s core values of professionalism, has launched Arthur Chapman’s railroad attorneys full speed ahead of the curve. We welcome you to contact us to discuss how Arthur Chapman can service your legal needs.